Omayra La Bella’s Natural Juicing

One of the healthiest parts of my morning routine, even before my coffee and breakfast, is to drink 8 ounces of natural green or non-green juice. I have been juicing for the past 11 years. With the research I have done on it, I have learned that juicing can help me to maintain my overall health in various ways. When you first start out, it looks like a whole lot of work, but trust me when you get used to it, it is very easy. All the vegetables and fruits used need to be fresh (Do not use frozen vegetables). I make enough juice every other day, so I have enough to last for two days. After 48 hours even if the juice is in the refrigerator, it is not good any longer because it loses both the flavor and the valuable nutrients. The brand name juicer I use is Breville.
Here is a list of what vegetables and fruits I use most often, with descriptions to help you understand their benefits.

FENNEL improves digestive health, helps to regulate blood pressure, and promotes lactation.

CELERY stimulates urine production, combats constipation and also helps with weight loss.

KALE helps to lower cholesterol, it is one of the best sources of vitamin K. Kale also has numerous substances to help fight cancer.

CUCUMBER keeps us cool, contains vitamin B and relaxes the nervous system to reduce anxiety.

GRAPEFRUIT has vitamin C, it helps in weight loss since it contains very few calories.

GINGER is a very medicinal plant, it helps to fight respiratory diseases, it is also an anti-inflammatory. It helps with digestive problems and also to tear breakdown food.

PINEAPPLE stands out for its fiber content and antioxidants, it helps to eliminate fluids and toxins from the body.

BEETSare a rich source of potassium, and help to keep the nerves and muscles healthy, it’s great for the liver, kidneys, bones and pancreas.

CARROTS are a very good source for potassium and phosphorus and it also helps with eyesight.

KIWI is the fruit of excellence to combat constipation. It contains double the amount of vitamin C and E. It also contains omega 3 and 6.

SPINACH is a very good source for fiber, vitamins A, B1, B2, C, K, calcium and more... perfect for losing weight.

LEMON is recommended daily, as it helps to support a health heart, control weight, prevent kidney stones, helps to reduce cancer and protect against anemia.


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